Welcome to a Quirky Little Place filled with Love, Laughter and Steamy Gossip


Halfway There

By Norm Foster

Directed by Don Anderson

May 14-25, 2025

Look at a globe and you will see degrees of latitude. The small town of Stewiacke, Nova Scotia lies exactly halfway between the North Pole and the Equator. It’s a quirky little place, full of colourful characters and lots of hilarious hometown gossip. Every week, four friends meet in the town’s diner to share their hopes and their dreams. Then one day, a handsome new doctor arrives in town.

No one expects anything will change. But, people can change, if only by degrees.

Tickets: 38$ ( no tax)

Dates & Showtimes

May 14 & 21
2 pm

May 15 & 22
7:30 pm

May 16 & 23
7:30 pm

May 17 & 24
2 pm & 7:30 pm

May 18 & 25
2 pm

Tickets can also be purchased by
contacting the box office 
450-458-5361 or hvtbox@villagetheatre.ca

Dates & Showtimes

May 14 & 21
2 pm

May 15 & 22
7:30 pm

May 16 & 23
7:30 pm

May 17 & 24
2 pm & 7:30 pm

May 18 & 25
2 pm

Halfway There

By Norm Foster

Directed by Don Anderson

May 14-25, 2025

Look at a globe and you will see degrees of latitude. The small town of Stewiacke, Nova Scotia lies exactly halfway between the North Pole and the Equator. It’s a quirky little place, full of colourful characters and lots of hilarious hometown gossip. Every week, four friends meet in the town’s diner to share their hopes and their dreams. Then one day, a handsome new doctor arrives in town.

No one expects anything will change. But, people can change, if only by degrees.

Tickets: 38$ ( no tax)

Tickets can also be purchased by contacting the box office directly:
450-458-5361 or hvtbox@villagetheatre.ca

Box Office: 450-458-5361

Hudson Village Theatre
28 Wharf Road, Hudson, QC, J0P 1H0

Registered Charitable Number: 89115 8685 RR0001