Experience the rich emotions of music; from the elegance of the Baroque era
to the vibrant melodies of Broadway and beyond!


A Music Box:
From Royal Courts to Broadway Lights

L’Orchestre symphonique des jeunes de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (OSJVS)

Artistic Team:
Judy Hung, Artistic Director
Philippe Gobeille, Actor
Catharine Calderone, Writer

Featuring a story by Catharine Calderone, with Philippe Gobeille, actor,
as well as soloists and the Children’s Chorus from the Valois Community Singers

June 7, 2025 @ 7:30pm

Tickets: 16$ (regular), 12$ (12 years old & under)


The Vaudreuil-Soulanges Youth Symphony Orchestra’s mission is to teach young musicians to play chamber and orchestral music from the Baroque period to current Quebec composers; to help young musicians to develop musical skills and ensemble experience, as well as to encourage them to share their passion of music to the Vaudreuil-Soulanges community.


Judy Hung, Artistic Direction

Judy Hung enjoys a versatile career as artistic director, violinist, pianist, violoncellist da spalla, and teacher. As a conductor, Judy has conducted Opera de Baugé Orchestra (France), Aberystwyth Musicfest Orchestra (Wales, UK), LSU Philharmonic & Symphony Orchestras, Sewanee Repertory Orchestra (USA), Tainan University Symphony Orchestra, National Sun Yat-sen University Chamber Orchestra, and Kaohsiung Youth Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan).

Judy is the founder and artistic director of L’Orchestre symphonique des jeunes de Vaudreuil-Soulanges since 2021.


Judy Hung, Artistic Direction

Judy Hung enjoys a versatile career as artistic director, violinist, pianist, violoncellist da spalla, and teacher. As a conductor, Judy has conducted Opera de Baugé Orchestra (France), Aberystwyth Musicfest Orchestra (Wales, UK), LSU Philharmonic & Symphony Orchestras, Sewanee Repertory Orchestra (USA), Tainan University Symphony Orchestra, National Sun Yat-sen University Chamber Orchestra, and Kaohsiung Youth Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan).

Judy is the founder and artistic director of L’Orchestre symphonique des jeunes de Vaudreuil-Soulanges since 2021.

Tickets can also be purchased by contacting the box office directly:
450-458-5361 or hvtbox@villagetheatre.ca

Box Office: 450-458-5361

Hudson Village Theatre
28 Wharf Road, Hudson, QC, J0P 1H0

Registered Charitable Number: 89115 8685 RR0001